You Don't Have To Be A Good Writer: How AI Helps You Write Content

How Can AI Help To Be A Good Writer

Unless this is your first time ever reading my blog, you know what I’m all about: the world NEEDS your message. How can AI help you be a good writer?

When I mentor others about how to share what they do with the world, I always hear the same things:

  • “But, I’m not a good writer!”

  • “What do saaaaaay?!”

  • “Does anybody want to hear what I have to say, anyway?!”

Yoga Business Mentor

using ai to help you organize

In fact, these complaints are so common that a core focus of my 1:1 mentorship program is guiding students through a few crucial steps: first, clarifying their own identity; second, deeply understanding their ideal clients; and finally, crafting a message that resonates deeply with those clients' needs.

Then we work on products and services. 

AI Can Make Writing Easy

But guess what? AI can help make this easy. 

For starters, AI can help by generating perfect ideas that marry your rad skillset and unique voice to the very specific needs of your client. When you tell AI who you are and what your client needs are, it can generate seemingly limitless topics for newsletters, blog posts, and social media. 

It can even suggest product ideas.

AI Helps You Be Organized

Plus, AI is superb at helping you stay mega organized with direction and outlines. 

Now, I often write to “discover,” which is a slow and arduous process of throwing a bunch of stuff onto a page and rearranging, editing, and adding to it ad nauseam until what I REALLY want to say slowly, painstakingly, comes into view. It takes forever and involves a lot of swearing. During this process, often my wife, kid, and dog will hear me cursing from the other side of the house, “WRITING IS HAAAARD!”

But it doesn’t have to be, especially if you’re organized. 

I’ve written 3 books (with 3 more in the works) and each of my published books only took me only less than 5 weeks to write … that is AFTER I had a solid outline. Once I had my outline tight these books practically wrote themselves. 

I’ve learned to throw my brainstorming sessions into AI to organize it all beautifully. They are all my own ideas but organized in seconds, giving me more time to write, or apologize to my wife, kid, and dog for yelling obscenities through the house.

AI Helps Your Writing Be Clear and Professional

Another thing AI helps you do is edit your writing so it reads clear and professional.

For anyone who thinks that they are not a good writer—you know, those who don’t know or couldn’t care less about the difference between an Oxford comma and an Oxford shoe— consider this: you don’t need to be a good writer. 

You only need to be yourself … and have a good editor. AI is that brilliant editor that will keep your voice so you can say what you want to say in a way that others can read it. 

Sharing Your Message

Sharing your message with the world is a must. It’s not optional. It’s what you were put here to do.

If you’re a little hung up (or even curious) about sharing your message with the world, please join my AI Alchemy workshop happening THIS Saturday, Aug. 17th from 10 am to 1 pm MT via Zoom, where we will explore how the incredible tool of AI can help you ethically and responsibly share your message with the world while also keeping your authentic voice. 

People are waiting to pick up what you’re puttin’ down.

Will you join me?


If the timing doesn’t work for you or you live in Antarctica or in a cave somewhere, don’t worry. It’s hosted and recorded via Zoom so you can watch live and/or the replay. 

Just come. 

K. See you there.