I believe that you have a powerful message for the world.

And let’s face it, AI is rapidly becoming an essential tool in our age. Truth is, we’ve already been using AI for a while.

I'd love to explore with you how we can use the incredible technology of AI to help you connect with your students and clients all over the world, all while staying ethical and true to your authentic self.

I've been studying and implementing AI in my yoga and meditation business for a while, and I would love to share how incredibly it has paid off!

Using AI has:

  • Helped me earn over $16K (and counting!) doing what I love

  • Allowed me to engage with and serve students more effectively across 42+ countries

  • Given me more time to focus on creating impactful content and experiences AND spend time more with my family.

  • Amplified my creativity while maintaining my unique voice

  • Above all, it’s helped me be more organized, professional, and effective in my business

Understanding how to use AI ethically and effectively is becoming essential for conscious entrepreneurs like us.

I'm excited to share with you what I've learned about how to harness the power of AI to share your message with the world and elevate your conscious business while maintaining your own human voice.

Join me in this exploration
during my online workshop

AI Alchemy for Conscious Entrepreneurs: Amplify Your Gifts, Preserve Your Voice

Here's what we'll dive into:

  • Prompt engineering: The art of 'talking' to AI effectively

  • Creating content that resonates with your audience (without losing your unique voice)

  • Ethical considerations: Using AI in alignment with your values

  • Practical applications: AI tools for yoga, meditation, and wellness businesses including coaching, therapists, energy workers, etc. 

  • Balancing technology with mindfulness in your practice

  • Real-world examples of how AI can boost your income potential

Date: Saturday, August 17th

Time: 10 AM – 1 PM MT

Price: $97

What you'll receive:

✓ Live, interactive 3-hour workshop via Zoom

✓ Replay access for unlimited reviewing

✓ Exclusive list of AI prompts designed for conscious entrepreneurs

✓ Step-by-step guide to effective prompt engineering. This is GOLD!

✓ Detailed PDF manual to guide you during and after the workshop

✓ Access to a community of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs

This workshop is about amplifying your unique gifts, not replacing them. Together, we'll explore how AI can be a powerful ally in reaching more people, creating more impact, and growing your business—all while keeping the heart and soul of your practice intact.

Spaces are limited to ensure personal attention. 

AI Alchemy for Conscious Entrepreneurs: Workshop Features and Benefits

prompt engineering

1. Live Zoom Workshop with Replay Access

Attend live for real-time interaction or watch the replay at your convenience
Participate from anywhere in the world
Rewatch as often as you need to reinforce your learning

2. Prompt Engineering Training

  • Learn to craft effective AI prompts tailored to your business needs

  • Save time and enhance productivity by getting better results from AI tools

  • Maintain your unique voice while leveraging AI capabilities

3. Practical AI Applications for Wellness Businesses

  • Discover AI tools specifically suited for yoga, meditation, and coaching practices

  • Enhance your client experiences with personalized, AI-assisted services

  • Streamline your business operations and marketing efforts

4. Ethical AI Usage Guidelines

  • Ensure your AI use aligns with conscious business values

  • Build trust with your clients through transparent AI practices

  • Protect your intellectual property while innovating with AI

5. Real-World Case Studies and Examples

  • Learn from successful AI implementations in wellness businesses

  • Gain inspiration and practical ideas for your own business growth

  • See firsthand how AI can boost your income potential

6. Interactive Exercises and Q&A Sessions

ai and mindfulness
  • Get hands-on experience with AI tools during the workshop

  • Receive personalized guidance for your specific business challenges

  • Learn from peers and share insights in a collaborative environment

7. Exclusive Resources and Tools

  • Receive a curated list of AI prompts designed for conscious entrepreneurs

  • Get access to a step-by-step guide for creating effective AI prompts

  • Obtain resources for continued learning and AI integration post-workshop

8. Balancing Technology and Mindfulness

  • Learn to integrate AI without losing the human touch in your practice

  • Discover mindful approaches to technology use in wellness businesses

  • Enhance your work-life balance through efficient AI utilization

9. AI-Driven Content Creation Strategies

  • Boost your online presence with AI-assisted website, blog, and social media content

  • Create engaging newsletters and marketing materials more efficiently

  • Maintain your authentic voice while expanding your content output

10. Ongoing Support and Community

  • Join a community of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs

  • Access post-workshop support to help implement what you've learned

  • Stay updated on the latest AI trends and applications in the wellness industry

This will be both fascinating and fun! Please join me!


ai training