The "E" Word


There is a new four-letter word, the "E" word. This word is "The Economy." Strangely, it's neither four letters long nor even one word. Regardless, hearing the phrase (brace yourself), "The Economy'' probably conjures worry and a knot in the stomach. Whether directly or indirectly, we are all being affected by what's happening with (here it is again) "The Economy."

Unfortunately, hard financial times often makes us feel like we need to circle the wagons, draw in our resources, and look out for our own interests. The scarcity of financial means sometimes leads to scarcity of good will toward each other.

But despite the fact that many of us are suffering a bit financially because of COVID-19, the loss of jobs, plans put on pause, etc, there is another form of abundance we can all cash in and rely upon. This abundant resource is each other. Us. You and me. Even with social distancing, instead of shielding ourselves from others, we can enrich ourselves and others during this tricky financial time by investing our sincere humanity, our love, compassion, trust, and laughter. We can invest in the coffers of the well-being and happiness of each other. We are each other's bail-out plan and support in the essential economics of human capital. We are a resource without a deficit and yes, one that is even more vital than dollars. We are each other's interest and one that will receive an immediate return on investment each time we share a little of love and care from our endless account of humanity. This is yoga's (read union) true meaning, the one-ness of all.

Tough financial times actually affords us an opportunity, the opportunity to draw together and build friendships and communities because sometimes that is all that is left. Community is what's essential. Community will get us through. Ask your grandparents who may have lived through the Great Depression. We can help each other out in myriad ways, even with the pandemic prevalent and vaccines still scarce.

A few ways we might help out could include :

  • Telling your community of job opportunities you might be aware of.

  • Declutter your space by sifting through unused stuff and both simplify your life by getting rid of anything you’re not using and offering it to those in your community who might need it. Take a look at the incredible work being done by my friend Courtney Carver and her book, Soulful Simplicity for excellent ways to be so much more by owning so much less.

  • Do an online yoga or meditation practice. Your energy and spirit feeds each other. Be creative! Tough times move us toward fun creative solutions that we'd otherwise never have discovered.

I love my job. I love it because I am constantly fed by your generosity and spirit. One thing I treasure is connecting with you on a personal as well as group level. I am often allowed a sneak peak into many of your hearts and get to see first hand how yoga has affected your lives. Countless times, I have looked into your eyes as you've spoken volumes to me by the tender tears rolling down your cheeks and perhaps mixed in a few words to describe some of your unspeakable challenges. You've shared with me your immense peace and joy and your stunning moments of clarity. You've shared with me the ways in which yoga has been your lifesaver, an island, an oasis. I'm deeply honored to play a small part in your unfolding.

I’d love to connect! Let’s share some human capital by having a virtual coffee date! I’d love to hear about what’s going on in your life, how COVID-19 has affected you, and what you do to help you keep your spirits up. Wherever you are in the world, let’s connect and together we’ll invest in the account of human good will.
Also, reach out to others and stay connected with people via Zoom or phone. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean heart distancing.

email me to connect at
