Yoga: Playing With The Metaphor

Yoga Nidra

Since my first yoga class ever, I’ve been asking the question, “So what. What is yoga, how does it help me discover who I am? Why is it beneficial, and what does it have to do with a regular guy?” I asked myself, "Is this just another heath program? Is it meditation in motion? Is it maybe a physical rite on the way to spiritual end?” These are the questions I’m still asking and what I try to answer in my Yoga Nidra Trainings.

And 20 years later, I realize that it’s all of these and much more. I suppose that all these years later, I'm still asking that same question, “What is this?” Over the years, when I think that I’ve maybe got a handle on what yoga is, when I’ve think I’ve figured it out, I experience or discover something new about yoga and I have to expand my definition to include something bigger.

Yoga Nidra is yoga. It feels like a relaxing guided meditation but it’s yoga. How come it’s considered yoga? Well, I think according to the definition of yoga it is a practice that helps to move us toward yoga’s end: to connect body, mind, and spirit and as we “cease the fluctuations of the mind,” definition as per the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Instead of moving the bod to be aware of the bod, we are simply aware of it as sensation. No movement necessary.

I believe that everybody must have their own definition of yoga. My current working definition (subject to change):

Yoga is the processes of understanding who I am through the method of listening.

That’s it. It’s pretty stripped down. You may notice that I didn't even say anything about asana. Of course, one of the ways I “listen” is by feeling and becoming aware of my body.

There are many ways to understanding what and who I am. I think understanding myself begins with understanding the grossest levels of awareness. The Yoga Sutras suggest how I treat other people and the ways I choose to organize my life is perhaps the first way of understanding myself. Then, I get to apply that same sort of attention and organization to something practical and close to home: my own physical body. If I'm paying close attention to my body in my poses and how I take care of myself, it might help me become more sensitive to more subtle parts of myself like my energy body. I will then discover how my body and energy dance together.

By the way, I'm convinced that the body isn't merely something to transcend on our way to higher understanding. The body is one of the most practical ways of feeling and experiencing my own divinity. After all, if you've ever seen someone who is extremely physically adept, like Michal Jordan or Mikhail Baryshnikov, it looks like you're witnessing God. And indeed to some degree you are. You're witnessing someone so developed in that line of understanding that they are reaching a sublime state of being.

Our physical body gives us such immediate and practical information about our being. And, because this is the vehicle, the container, of heart and mind, it makes sense to not only learn from it, but to also keep it healthy so that it can take us where we want to go. Besides, it's fun. It feels good. What could heaven possibly be but some variation of those two things. Even when I experience love, I can only do that through the nuts and bolts of this body. When my heart feels like it's going to grow bigger than my chest and burst out of it, or like it's being stepped on and smooshed black, it's still within the container of my body that I experience and understand that.

Yoga Nidra Training

In a Yoga Nidra practice, one way I use my body to cultivate greater Awareness and come to “cease the fluctuations” of my mind, is to do a Sanctuary Practice. The Sanctuary Practice uses visualization and an incitement of one’s senses to evoke the feelings one has in their most favorite place. This use of one’s senses to evoke one’s personal inner-sanctuary acts like a metaphor to help someone experience the way they most naturally feel as an expression of the Oneness. Whether there in real-life or visualizing the sanctuary, each acts as a metaphor for how one’s most natural comportment.

Similarly, the body acts as a metaphor for us to help understand that eternal part of us that cannot be defined by something so limited and finite. Nonetheless, it’s a great tool to bring context to something that is otherwise perhaps unknowable.

As I think about this question of ‘what is yoga and how does it help me understand who I am’ when I’m doing yoga and Yoga Nidra. Please enjoy my free Sanctuary Practice which you can download/listen to below.

Someone who understood this beautifully is Mary Oliver in her poem about this discovery of who we are through listening and how the body plays a vital role in that discovery. I'm convinced that Mary Oliver is a yogi but who works with a pen rather than a mat. Check it out.

POEM (The Spirit Likes To Dress Up)

The spirit

likes to dress up like this:

ten fingers,

ten toes,

shoulders, and all the rest

at night

in the black branches,

in the morning

in the blue branches

of the world.

It could float, of course,

but would rather

plumb rough matter.

Airy and shapeless thing,

it needs

the metaphor of the body,

lime and appetite,

the oceanic fluids;

it needs the body’s world,


and imagination

and the dark hug of time,


and tangibility,

to be understood,

to be more than pure light

that burns

where no one is –

so it enters us –

in the morning

shines from brute comfort

like a stitch of lightning;

and at night

lights up the deep and wondrous

drownings of the body

like a star.”

― Mary Oliver, Dream Work

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Women's Safety Online

Since COVID hit, many of us yoga teachers have tried to keep the practice going with online, FB live, and Zoom classes. A few of my female colleagues have been recently targeted by creeps online making inappropriate and sexually explicit comments or suggestive comments. And while the sad truth is that this is nothing new, it’s nonetheless COMPLETE BULLSHIT! It agers me to no end that anybody, especially women, are subject to harassment, prejudice, and hate.

As a community of yoga teachers, we are working to find helpful solutions to the problem of pervy trolls commenting or showing up in our online classes but what are some of the things that we can all know to make sure that women are safe online?

Through the help of a great article on Comparitech, I’ve discovered both some alarming statistics as well as some great and helpful information to help keep women safe on the Internet.

Below is an excerpt from the article and encourage anyone interested in reading the entire thing.

Are women at higher risk to online scams? Online harassment statistics

Ever wondered who is more likely to be targeted by online scammers? We reveal some surprising internet safety statistics as well as easy to follow advice to protect yourself from online scams.


We use the internet for pretty much everything these days, including connecting with friends, working, banking, entertainment, shopping, dating, and more. With our communication moving more and more online, unpleasant behaviors such as cyberbullying and online harassment are also becoming more common. This combined with online scams can lead to users feeling unsafe. In this article, we’ll explain the most common types of online harassment as well as how to keep yourself safe online.

By discussing a range of studies and statistics we will demonstrate the different experiences of online culture based on gender. We’ll also reveal how attitudes to online harassment can vary between men and women.

What dangers do users face online?

Women face many of the same dangers as men online. For example, things like phishing schemesransomware attacks, and various types of online fraud are commonplace for everyone. However, statistics show you are much more likely to experience some types of online abuse if you are a woman. Below we take a look at the online scams which target women more frequently than other genders.

Online harassment

Online harassment is loosely defined as the use of the internet to threaten, harass, or embarrass an individual or group. It can come in different forms and many of the other topics we discuss here such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and doxing fall under the umbrella of harassment.

Women tend to encounter sexualized forms of online harassment at higher rates than men. These can include things like sexualized bullying, unwanted sexual requests, revenge porn, and sextortion.

2017 study by Pew Research Center found that 21 percent of women aged 18 to 29 had experienced online harassment. The figure for men was less than half of that at nine percent. More than half of women in the same age group had received explicit images that were not requested.

Attitudes towards online harassment differ by gender with 70 percent of women and 54 percent of men believing it’s a “major problem.” And while 50 percent of women say that offensive content online is too often excused as not a big deal, 64 percent of men think it’s taken too seriously. More men (56 percent) tend to think it’s important to speak their minds freely online while women (63 percent) value feeling safe and welcome on the internet.

Source: Pew Research

What’s more, of women who have experienced online harassment, 35 percent say it leaves a strong impression and that recent encounters have been either very or extremely upsetting. The figure for men is less than half at 16 percent.


Online bullying involves any type of bullying that occurs in the digital world, for example, through social media networks or forums, or via emails or text messages. Cyberbullying can happen to anyone, but it’s especially common among teenage girls. Female students are three times as likely to be bullied online or via text than male students.

Catfishing schemes

With the increased popularity in online dating, there are a ton of schemes out there targeting unsuspecting victims looking for love. While many men fall victim to dating scams, the majority of victims are women.

A popular tactic used in dating scams is catfishing. This is where scammers create fake profiles that they believe prospective victims will trust and fall for easily. For example, they might create a fake profile of a doctor or member of the military.

These scams typically end up with the perpetrator swindling the victim out of money or property, or in some cases, roping them into some type of illegal activity.


Cyberstalking (also called online stalking) may be defined slightly differently according to various countries’ laws, but it generally involves using electronic means to harass, bully or threaten victims.

This crime impacts a surprisingly large number of men and women, but victims are more often female. A Canadian study found that the most likely targets are women in the 15–24 age group.

Source: StatCan


As you can probably guess from the name, online sextortion is extortion involving material (typically images or videos) of a sexual or intimate nature. Sextortion can take a variety of different forms, but the motivation is usually sexual gratification or monetary gain.

A 2019 study found that males are more likely to be targeted when the motivation is financial greed, while the victims in sextortion for sexual gratification crimes are almost always female.

An alarming 2017 study by Thorn revealed that 45 percent of sextortion perpetrators followed through on their threats. The same study found that 40 percent of victims met the perpetrators online.

Habits Make Or Break You

Yoga Nidra Scripts

I love to trail run. Even when I'm slogging up a big hill it never feels like work. At the start of my run, I look at my watch and estimate how much time I GET to run. When I come back, I like to roll out my yoga mat and throw down some of my favorite poses. It feels utterly amazing!

Consequently, I'm getting healthy in body, mind, and spirit by doing something I love!

I've said it for years and we all know it's true: your habits will either make you or break you. Practice being healthy in body, mind, regularly. Drink enough water, eat your veggies, do something physical. Practice yoga. Meditate. Practice gratitude.

Set up a weekly routine of general eating habits, your regular yoga and meditation classes, and general way of being. You don't have to be perfect in this—it's is a lifestyle, not just a challenge. That means once in a while it will be your birthday your normal routine will be shot—all you'll consume will be booze and sugar. You'll probably be reminded that what you really wanted for your birthday was to do what makes you feel great. But then the next day you start back up and there's no judgment, no problem.

After weeks, months, and years of regularly doing what you love and what is healthy for you, you will realize that you've made some pretty big strides toward being the person that you knew you always were. it's your habits that form your health, character, and happiness.

Yoga Nidra Training

This week in one of my live, online Yoga Nidra classes, one of my students who has joined my online sessions for many months commented with great happiness about the cumulative effect of doing Yoga Nidra regularly.

There are some lessons which can only be learned through a cumulative effect.

So choose those things that love which are also healthy for you in body, mind, and spirit and make them a habit.

What is true is that we are in the time of COVID and that we will be here for a little bit. If you've been resistant to online classes, give them a try. You might be surprised at some of the hidden advantages such as, many of my classes are recorded so you can do them when fits with your schedule, if you do join live how thy are still quite interactive, and the commute to class only a few steps to your living room. You can join me from anywhere in the world. All pets are allowed to attend virtual classes! They'll love that. That and you can choose to turn your camera off so you can practice in your underwear if you wish.

If you are looking to establish some healthy habits in your life to promote your own wellness in body, mind, spirit, I think you'll be quite pleased at some of my offerings. I'm even experimenting with some livestream/live-socially distanced classes. Check them out below. I hope you have a great week, everyone.

Learning to Fail

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Some of the greatest lessons in my life have been due to my failures. You? What are some of your BEST failures, I’m talking business, school, relationships, the whole gamut? I guarantee they have also been some of your best teachers, even if we can’t see that . . . yet.

Photo by Alex Adams

Photo by Alex Adams

Freaked to Fail

In high school I remember being so incredibly afraid to one day open my own business because…. what if I FAILED! Of course I had an extremely limited idea of what success looked like and what it took to find success.

Well, fast forward a few decades and I’ve opened and failed businesses. I've learned not to be afraid of failure. Sure, it's hard and nobody want's to fail but I’ve picked myself up from some very hard places and moved on. It's was because of some of these failures in many aspects of life that I’ve learned what I need to do in order to enjoy some great success in so many avenues of life, including making a living doing what I absolutely LOVE which is teaching yoga and meditation. Making a living doing what I love= one big, fat success.

I think about all kinds of things I've failed at from relationships to jobs to ideas. Each one has taught me an invaluable lessons. I’ve since learned not to be afraid of failures. They are powerful lessons that have shaped me into who I am today.

One of My Favorite Failures

When I was 19 I needed to earn some money for college so I was determined to do whatever it took, no matter how unpleasant the job was. Well, I got a temp job working on a construction site. I was utterly horrible at construction but was too damn proud to quit. Eventually the foreman fired me for my ineptitude. At the time I was incensed but I later realized how much of a favor he did for me. I wasn't serving ANYONE at that job, least of all myself. He freed me to go and look for my next job, one that I did so well that in a matter of months, the owner of the small company actually asked me if I wanted to become partners.

My Yoga Nidra Teacher Teaching Taught Me to Fail

I used to own a few yoga studios. They both failed. One of the highlights of owning these studios was when I was able to proudly host one of my greatest Yoga Nidra teachers, Dr. Richard Miller, for a weekend of workshops. Ironically, despite the great success of the workshops, he was the last big event we hosted before we had to announce that we were closing our doors. Concluding the weekend of workshops was an intimate dinner with a few teachers and Richard Miller. I came a few minutes late because I had to have a meeting with my entire staff letting them know that we were going to be closing our doors. When I told this unfortunate truth to Richard Miller, he leaned in close to me and without hesitation said, “congratulations!”

At the time I was taken aback, but with reflection the lessons I’ve learned from that experience are like gold in my hand. Not being weighed down by trying to make a brick-and-mortar business stay afloat has freed me up to concentrate on projects like my Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, Yoga Teacher Mentor Program, and projects like my Yoga Nidra Scripts booklet.

When I look back at owning the studios, I met my wife at that yoga studio and I often tell her that if I went through all that stress, heartache, and trouble only to have met here then it would have been worthing it. That’s true but the incredible gifts I’ve learned extend beyond just finding the love of my life. Ironically, I’ve learned so much about owning and running a business by all the ways that my previous business didn’t work. Both studios I opened are STILL running, but with different owners. I suppose I should be proud to have helped created such beautiful places to practice yoga. When I roll by those studios, I think, “Good on ya! I hope you’re doing well,” and “MAN! I’m happy not to own those anymore.”

Failures are perhaps some of our biggest teachers so maybe we don’t have to be so afraid of them. Maybe we can even have fun with them and dare I say, even be grateful for them. Inevitably, they help us evolve into into our highest being.

What are the failures you’re grateful for?

Yoga Nidra Scripts and Yoga Nidra Trainings

Why Yoga Nidra Scripts?

I’ve been creating Yoga Nidra scripts and Yoga Nidra Trainings for years and would love to share a little about what Yoga Nidra is, how it can heal, the value of a script, and how to move beyond the script to truly meet the needs of yourself and your students.

Yoga Nidra is the transformational so-called “yoga of sleep,” a very approachable yet effective way of experiencing the Oneness of your being through the process of a relaxing journey through deepening layers of Awareness. The fact that Yoga Nidra is so easy to practice and often leaves practitioners feeling rested, illuminated, and calm, makes it a popular, simple, and effective way of exploring one’s higher Self. Yoga Nidra is like napping your way to enlightenment!

Yoga Nidra may be easy and relaxing to practice but teaching it effectively can be difficult. I’ve spent many years, and countless hours learning how to teach Yoga Nidra effectively. I’ve logged many thousands of hours teaching Yoga Nidra and have learned through trial-and-error what best to do and NOT to do in order to hopefully facilitate an effective Yoga Nidra experience for myself and for students. In the spirit of helping others learn to teach Yoga Nidra quicker than it took me, I recently took 20 Yoga Nidra practices that I thought could be helpful on a broad variety of subjects and compiled 20 scripts is designed to put the words of effective, and what I hope are skillful, Yoga Nidra practices in your hands so that you and your students can also benefit from these practices.

The Healing Power of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is but one practice that leads people to experience their highest Selves and to come to the ultimate state of Oneness with all things. The explicit purpose for Yoga Nidra is to layer your attention through the illusions of the ego (the mayakoshas) in order to dis-identify as the ego and instead identify as Awareness itself. Doing so heals what I feel is the fundamental human problem which is feeling separate from Source.

I believe that wellness is the byproduct of Awareness and as such, the Awareness a practitioner may experience through Yoga Nidra can catalyze myriad other kinds of transformations in many practical and useful ways such as help with stress, grief, setting goals, starting your day, getting great sleep, achieving a state of relaxed alertness, and even creating abundance in your life. These are just a few of the many topics you’ll find in this volume of Yoga Nidra scripts.

These Yoga Nidra scripts are valuable because a Yoga Nidra facilitator works hard to create the right conditions for relaxation and the layered Awareness to occur. Plus, once that state is successfully achieved, a facilitator can then use their knowledge of the mayakoshas (layers of the ego) to effectively work on whatever needs attention, be that something physical, energetic, mental, or even spiritual or unconscious. I’ve organized these scripts in a way that hopefully makes that process automatic and easy.

Yoga Nidra Training

Perhaps you’d like to learn how to create your own scripts or learn to improvise a Yoga Nidra class to meet particular needs and learn how to lead yourself through a Yoga Nidra practice without using a script. Reading a script might be perfect for you as you learn to find your own voice teaching Yoga Nidra. I truly believe that each teacher has a unique quality about them and a special ability to benefit the lives of the students they come in contact with. There’s really nobody else who can teach like you do. While a Yoga Nidra facilitator can be skillful or not skillful about leading the practice, there’s no “right” way to teach. There are certain important principles about what Yoga Nidra is and what the practice is pointing to. Once you understand that, you’ll find your own way to arrive there and will be able to lead your students there effectively using your own voice. This is why I’ve developed in-person and online Yoga Nidra trainings.

I love to teach live Yoga Nidra teacher trainings because I love to see how people are using this practice. I see so many different kinds of people in my trainings including, yoga and meditation teachers, reiki and other energy workers, geriatric health professionals, high-performance coaches, high school teachers and counselors, mental health therapists, parents, and even family and divorce lawyers, because each person understands how this transformative practice can help the part of the world that they are blessed to work with. I’m also really happy to offer my online Yoga Nidra teacher training so that people all over the world can learn the principles of effectively leading a Yoga Nidra class along a timeline and location that works best for them.

My trainings explore the principles and fundamentals of Yoga Nidra to first outline the “what and why” of Yoga Nidra in order to then understand the “how” of Yoga Nidra. I find that organizing the trainings in this way enables teachers to facilitate this transformational practice with the power of doing so in their own voice to match their own specific needs as well as those of their students. Also, I strongly believe that once you know what you are aiming for, you will likely find your own pathway to get there, one that feels perfect for you. Eventually, you’ll be able to create your own scripts and improvise a practice that is powerful and necessary to yourself and your students. The aim for my trainings is to help those who are passionate (or even curious) about facilitating Yoga Nidra and learning to move beyond these scripts and create their own scripts as well as conduct 1:1 Yoga Nidra Dyads, a completely improvised experience based on the real-time awareness of their students.

In my latest edition of my online Yoga Nidra training, I’ve included a PDF of over 100 pages of Yoga Nidra scripts to the training to help teachers begin to lead effective Yoga Nidra classes right away while they are learning to find their own voice.

Finally, A Yoga Nidra Training Online!

Next Live, in-person Yoga Nidra Training
Tucson, Arizona January 24–27, 2025

The Best Online Yoga Nidra
Teacher Training !

For teachers and practitioners alike!

Rated in the top 2 in the world by
Mind Is The Master.

If you don’t love this training, I’ll completely refund your tuition!

Become a skilled Yoga Nidra facilitator.

Start Your Yoga Nidra Training Today!

Instant access.

Earn continuing education credit with Yoga Alliance.

Make a difference as you help facilitate transformation for your students and yourself. Learn to teach your own Yoga Nidra scripts. Teach Yoga Nidra like an expert. Learn to teach this transformative and healing practice in YOUR own voice to meet the unique needs of yourself and your students and not as a rote version of your teacher.

Learn both the what and why of Yoga Nidra as well as the essential pillars to teaching expert classes. By the end of this training you will be a certified Yoga Nidra teacher!

Not only will you learn how to teach Yoga Nidra, but you’ll learn industry secrets to help you start making an impact with your teaching while ALSO making a living. This training will pay for itself with simple, actionable tools you’ll learn begin to share your talents to facilitate transformation.

You’ll even know how to write your own scripts and effectively improvise a Yoga Nidra class. Unlike other trainings, you won’t need to wait for a more advanced training to learn to write your own scripts or improvise a Yoga Nidra class.

I really lucked out when I chose your course. I appreciate your help through this course, which has been pure enjoyment for me.”
— Andrea Mathwich

When you enroll, you get immediate and life-time access to a sleek and simple-to-use teaching platform. This go-at-your-own-pace curriculum is accessible from any computer, smartphone, or tablet. In fact, you can even download the materials so you don’t need to be connected to the internet.

You’ll get a veritable library of supportive, calming, and illuminating practices, lessons, and materials.

In this course, I lead you through an exciting journey of 5 major sections, each with several teaching modules, complete with specialized and relaxing Yoga Nidra recordings, breathing and mindfulness exercises, as well as hours of engaging video lectures. This content explores:

  • The every-day application of how Yoga Nidra helps you to wake up to the person you are destined to be.

  • In-depth Yoga Nidra eduction including myths, history, science, psychology, poetry, and philosophy as well as dozens of my own personal stories and humor, all supporting your journey of waking up with the yoga of sleep.

  • Specialized Yoga Nidra practices to help you wake up to the hidden jewels that are inside of you.

Only $589

payment options available.

30-day money-back guarantee!

Includes over 100 pages of Yoga Nidra scripts! You can start teaching effective Yoga Nidra classes today while you’re learning to find your own voice.

Yoga Nidra Training
Online Yoga Nidra
Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Curriculum:

Section 1: Waking Up with the Yoga of Sleep

Discover how Yoga Nidra helps you wake up to be the person you are destined to be.

Module 1: Begin The Journey

Start along your path as I show you the map and trails you’ll follow on the course of your Yoga Nidra adventure.

Module 2: What Is Yoga Nidra? Waking Up with the Yoga of Sleep

What is this ancient practice and how does it help you wake up?

Module 3: Yoga Nidra: An Inquiry to “Know Thyself”

Socrates will be your guide on this inner odyssey to hear the Oracle’s special message just for you.

Module 4: The Greatest Love Story of All Time: Shiva, Shakti, and YOU

Online Yoga Nidra Training

You are the lovechild of consciousness and form. See how the world exists as a love note to you.

Module 5: The Koshas: Mapping the Beautiful Illusions

See the world dancing before your eyes, evoking your consciousness to wake up.

Module 6: Non-Dualism and Your Both / And Nature

Ancient myth illuminates the higher dimension of your True Being.

Module 7: The Secret to the Universe is HERE: Presence

The secret to the Universe is literally at your fingertips as you learn to practice presence.

Module 8: Stages and States of Consciousness

Upleveling your state of consciousness uplevels your stage of consciousness.

Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

Module 9: Why Yoga Nidra Works: Science and Psychology

Take a look under the hood and learn how spirit and philosophy is supported by science and psychology.

Module 10: The Big Message & FAQ

The simple and profound truth, how does Yoga Nidra apply to every-day life, and listen to me answer some common questions.

Section 2: Facilitating Transformation with the Yoga of Sleep.

Learn to become an expert at the subtle art of facilitating Yoga Nidra

Module 1: Introduction and Overview

Familiarize yourself with the tools to find your voice in this practice

Module 2: The Yoga Nidra Roadmap

Learn to read the map of an effective Yoga Nidra experience to facilitate transformation for yourself and your students

Module 3: Creating the Container & The Role of the Teacher

Learn the subtle and essential art of set and setting for a transformational Yoga Nidra experience and understand your primary roles as a teacher.

Module 4: Facilitating Observation & the Three Heavies

Facilitate Transformation by effectively pointing to presence with 3 key objectives.

Module 5: Essential Tools Part 1

Master the tools that will help you facilitate transformation in a Yoga Nidra practice.

Module 6: Essential Tools Part 2

Master the tools that will help you facilitate transformation in a Yoga Nidra practice.

Module 7: Essential Tools Part 3

Master the tools that will help you facilitate transformation in a Yoga Nidra practice.

Module 8 2 Yoga Ninja Tactics

Uncover the 2 GAME-CHANGER tactics that completely revolutionize the practice of teaching Yoga Nidra and will help you to teach like an expert almost immediately.

Module 9: Connecting The Dots—Building an Effective Yoga Nidra Class

Together we’ll work through the step-by-step process of building specialized Yoga Nidra classes for yourself and your clients.

Module 10: Yoga Nidra Dyads and Self Practice

Turn facilitating Yoga Nidra on its head and the transformational power of allowing the practitioner to direct the Yoga Nidra experience as you learn the road map and art of Facilitated Awareness.

Module 11: Accessibility and Healing with Yoga Nidra

Reveal how to make this beautiful practice available for all by eliminating discriminating language, marketing, and practices from your teaching. Discover the role of Yoga Nidra toward healing.

Module 12: Integration

Provide the essential integration tools for your student to learn to apply Yoga Nidra in their every-day life and discover the miracle of their own life.

Module 13 FAQ

Clarify any questions you may have about teaching Yoga Nidra.

Section 3: Sharing Yoga Nidra with the World

Module 1: Introduction

The world needs you to share this practice in only the way that YOU can.

Module 2: Developing Interest

Make your skills available to those who need it.

Module 3: Formatting Classes, Workshops, and Courses

Presentation is everything. Create an offering that will give your students what they need and keep them coming back for more.

Module 4: Virtual Offerings & Supportive Tech.

Broadcast Yoga Nidra to the world with simple and effective tools. Use the “minimum viable product” and learn to scale your offerings.

Module 5: Private Sessions

Tailor a Yoga Nidra experience to the specific needs of an individual. Intake, format, and support for private individuals and groups.

Module 6: Retreats

Learn the insider’s tips to leading retreats and provide life-time memories and transformation for your students while giving yourself a “paid vacation.”

Module 7: Supporting Your Students

Establish the learning trajectory for your students to support them along their journey.

Module 8: FAQ

Questions and insights about the course.

Section 4: Finishing Up and What’s Next

Module 1: Recognize and Recap Progress

This broad recap will cement the knowledge and experience into your soul to ensure your confidence in teaching right away.

Module 2: Resources Reminder

Re-familiarize yourself with the vast array of supportive resources that come with the course.

Module 3 Finish Line

The big fat message. What it all means. What’s possible.

Module 4: Graduation Requirements

Prepare for your graduation: assignments, requirements, and certification.

Section 5: Building Your Mechanism of Influence

Module 1: Make and Impact and Make a Living

5 simple, actionable tools to help you make an Impact and also make a living doing what you love to do.

During the training you can contact me anytime with questions!

Plus, during and after the course join our regular live support sessions and our wonderful, global Facebook group to connect with others in the training for support, ideas, and teaching practice.

Your Teacher: Scott Moore

Scott Moore Yoga

Hi! I’m an E-RYT 500, RYS, YACEP and the author of Practical Yoga Nidra: A 10-Step Method to Reduce Stress, Improve Sleep, and Restore Spirit. I’ve been a professor at colleges in Yoga and Mindfulness Studies for 9 years. I’ve owned 2 yoga studios and have worked at dozens of others, developing curriculum for teacher trainings and studio operations.

I’ve had the pleasure of teaching everyone from rock stars to recovering addicts, from young to old, ultra-athletes to the ultra-stressed out, and I've learned one essential fact: EVERYONE has an extraordinary life to live and EVERYONE'S path to wellness is unique.

I believe that my greatest qualifications are that I love Yoga Nidra! I’ve been practicing and teaching since 2008 and I’m passionate about helping you share YOUR unique gifts and personality to help others share this incredible practice of Yoga Nidra to the world.

Yoga Nidra has changed my life! I’ve learned from some of the best teachers in the world but have honestly learned more about Yoga Nidra by the thousands of hours of practicing and teaching this incredible practice.

What I want to share with you is what’s taken me many years and thousands of hours of practice to learn. I want to teach you, much faster than it took me to learn, the ways of teaching this transformation practice that feel 100% authentic to your personality and that are powerful for yourself and your students.

I’ve been a yoga professional since 2000. I’ve owned studios, worked at dozens of others, graduated hundreds of yoga teachers, and I love to travel across the globe to offer trainings and retreats. I’d love to help you find your own deep relationship to this transformative practice to make an impact on the world and make it a better place. I want to help to empower you to teach Yoga Nidra and make an impact while also making a living.

You’ll Love This Course!

I believe the world needs more Yoga Nidra. I believe you’re the one to offer it, in your voice, speaking to your students in only the way you can.

This 50-hour Yoga Nidra intensive is perfect both for teachers as well as students who simply want to deepen their practice of Yoga Nidra.

This could be the most important work you do in a great long time.

My teaching style uses tools like knowledge of the koshas, a skillful counterpoint of opposites, and evoking deep relaxation to illuminate one’s True Self. This knowledge and experience you gain from practicing and teaching Yoga Nidra will help you live your life more fully, with greater compassion, and with deep purpose.

Listen to what others are saying about this course!

Recent graduates have said that this training is not only such high quality, but that is also affordable, accessible, and can be done on your own timeline. Here are some testimonials of other graduates:

I have finished the online training and it was a wonderful experience! I love your teaching style and found I resonated with what you were sharing! I am excited to practice more and start sharing my knowledge with my students! Thanks again! I really feel like this was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
— Shawna Farrow
Yoga Nidra Script
Scott’s Yoga Nidra Teacher Training was an excellent blend of information, inspiration, and application. I love his way of organizing and presenting of the abundance of material. Scott is very authentic and has a way of connecting and empowering his student to feel confident to utilize the tools he provides. I am so thankful to have the Yoga Nidra as part of my toolbox of offerings!
— Jackie Wheeler, Yoga Studio Owner/Teacher
Yoga Nidra Certification
I recommend this Yoga Nidra Teacher Training to absolutely everyone- and I have! Whether or not you plan on actually teaching- this practice is something that everyone needs. We all need to tune in deeper and into our true selves. I have found peace and an uncluttered mind in this practice- it is the most beautiful thing. Scott’s passion for Yoga Nidra is evident in the careful construction of the information as well as the organic flow of the conversation that he facilitates. The information and training was so easy to follow, which isn’t always the case in an online training scenario. He brought up engaging and provocative points and always applied the information back into everyday life. I left the training feeling very confident in my ability to lead classes and to help individuals get to a point where they can truly discover themselves. This training is 100% life changing and totally worth it. Thanks!
— Robyn Hiebert
Yoga Nidra Training
I have studied with Scott for years and his compassion, engagement, and base of knowledge makes him one of my favorite teachers. He was one of the first teachers to teach me Yoga Nidra. So when he offered a Nidra immersion and training I jumped on it. Only ... I wasn’t in the area. I did the immersion, training. It worked flawlessly, and the experience was wonderful. If you are interested in any classes he offers, but can’t physically attend, do not hesitate to attend remotely. You will still be a full participant and receive the full impact of Scott’s clarity and teaching skills.
— Lesley DuTemple
yoga nidra training
Scott’s online training was an absolute joy. Not only does Scott possess a wealth of knowledge about the practice, he brings the teachings to life through his energetic presence, compelling storytelling, and heart-centered teaching. This offering is truly unique, and I’d highly recommend Scott’s guidance to anyone interested in going deeper with the incredible practice of Yoga Nidra.
— Eden Orion
online yoga nidra training

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Yoga Nidra Scripts Included with Your Training

Plus, included in the tuition you’ll receive my latest book (100-page PDF) of over 20 Yoga Nidra scripts:

  • Yoga Nidra for Grief

  • Yoga Nidra for Goals

  • Yoga Nidra for Healing

  • Yoga Nidra for Sleep

  • Yoga Nidra for Grounding

  • Yoga Nidra for Sankalpa (Intentions)

  • Basic Yoga Nidra Practice: Body

  • Yoga Nidra for Energy and Chakras

  • Yoga Nidra for Anxiety Management

  • Full Yoga Nidra Practice (all Koshas)

  • Yoga Nidra for Heart Energy

  • Yoga Nidra for Stress

  • Yoga Nidra for Relaxed Alertness

  • Yoga Nidra for your Trinity Nature

  • Yoga Nidra for Compassion

  • Yoga Nidra for Abundance

  • Yoga Nidra to Start Your Day

  • Yoga Nidra for Bliss (Anandamaya Kosha)

  • Yoga Nidra for Happiness

  • Yoga Nidra for Inner Wisdom

Upon completion of this Yoga Nidra training you’ll have:

  • A certificate of completion

  • A deeper understanding of your deepest Self through Yoga Nidra

  • A course full of profound relaxation, deeper knowledge, and teaching skills

  • A full audio/video recording of the training to accomplish whenever you wish

  • 100 pages of Yoga Nidra scripts to use immediately

  • An in-depth Yoga Nidra Training PDF workbook

  • Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit (if needed). You’ll get 50 continuing education hours.

  • 30-Day Money-back guarantee. If you can show you’ve listened to all the materials and still feel it wasn’t for you, I’m happy to refund your money.

By the end of this training you’ll be ready to teach Yoga Nidra.

Thank you for your interest in this training. I loved putting it together and I hope you love it as much as I do.

Contact me with questions