Yoga Nidra: Sourcing Your True Power


Saturday, March 12 1:30-3:00 pm


There's power in meditating as a group.

Join your Yoga Nidra community for a powerful, live Yoga Nidra practice, discussion, and Q & A.

Based on your input, the day that works best for most people is daytime on a weekend. So, I've reserved the Crown studio at Centered City Yoga (926 E. 900 S. Salt Lake City, Utah) from 1:30-3:00 pm on Saturday, March 12. I really hope you can come, meet others who also followed this course, and practice together. It will be wonderful to talk about Yoga Nidra, share our experiences, and ask questions.

This is a special event, exclusive to the Sourcing Your True Power group. Because you registered for the Sourcing Your True Power course, I'm offering this special class for only $15 to help with rent of the studio and basic costs. Fill out the form below to register. Your registration is complete upon payment. You'll see the PayPal button once you fill out the form.

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to this.

